XXIII: 27.11.22, Gindelalmschneid 1335m

Taki mia艂 by膰 popo艂udniowy spacerek, gdy偶 po wczorajszym powrocie z imprezy nie by艂o szans na nic wi臋kszego. Pojecha艂am nad Schliersee, coby si臋 przej艣膰 do Gindelam https://www.bergtour-online.de/bergtouren/bergwanderungen/leicht/gindelalm/ - i po drodze jeszcze rozwa偶a艂am, czy na Baumgartenschneid nie p贸j艣膰 w zamian, ale nic to, nast臋pnym razem 馃檪 Tour bardzo przyjemny, pi臋kna zima, 艣nieg si臋 skrzy, banan na... Continue Reading →

V: 12.2.21, Kreuzbergalm 1.223

We had bigger plans (Spitzstein or Schweinsberg or Laubenstein) but it all turned out differently and we left later than planned so went to Tegernsee only. Already on the way there, it was visible that the weather was changing and it鈥檚 no longer Munich blue skies but snowy clouds but I was still hoping for... Continue Reading →

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